Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Death Penalty Should Not Be Used - 1467 Words

The Right to Life: Executing the Death Penalty The death penalty is a punishment given to people who commit heinous crimes. Since 1976, there have been over 1,390 executions. But does that make the death penalty, necessarily, a correct and justifiable form of punishment? â€Å"The death penalty is our harshest punishment,† states Ernest van den Haag, author of â€Å"The Ultimate Punishment: a Defense.† Van den Haag, in his article, argues how the death penalty is effective and should be used. However, Jack Greenberg, James P. Gray, and Jeffery Reiman, all concur that the death penalty should not be used as a punishment for criminals. Jack Greenberg, author of â€Å"Against the American System of Capital Punishment,† argues how the death penalty is an†¦show more content†¦Van den Haag argues how â€Å"There has been no conclusive statistical demonstration that the death penalty is a better deterrent than are alternative punishments (1665). Even though va n den Haag explains that deterrence might not be the best argument for supporting the death penalty, he does discuss how the certitude of the death penalty tends to be more formidable than imprisonment. Van den Haag also explains that even though the death penalty may not deter hundreds of murderers, is still deters some. â€Å"Sparing the lives of even a few prospective victims by deterring their murderers is more important than preserving the lives of convicted murderers because of the possibility, or even the probability, that executing them would not deter others† (van den Haag 1666). On the other hand, Greenberg, Reiman, and Gray argue against deterrence and how it is not a leading factor for justifying the administration the death penalty. â€Å"Because of the goals that our criminal justice system must satisfy - deterring crime, punishing the guilty, acquitting the innocent, avoiding needless cruelty, treating citizens equally, and prohibiting oppression by the state - America simply does not have the kind of capital punishment system contemplated by death penalty partisans† (Greenberg 1670). Greenberg argues how due to the American system of capital punishment, deterrence is not a factor due to the â€Å"infrequent, random, and erratic executions† of this system

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Impact Of Environment On Patterns Of Hepatitis B....

THE IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENT ON PATTERNS OF HEPATITIS B Geography of Health (GEOG322) Introduction We live in an environment, where there exists a daily interaction of humans, natural forces and other living things. This environment provides for our growth, survival as well as danger. A very important factor of this environment is Disease or illness. Various factors contribute to illness, such as injury, unhealthy lifestyle and lack of healthcare. One such deadly disease is Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is a life threatening liver infection that is caused due to Hepatitis B virus. This virus leads to chronic infection and results in to high risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis B has two types, which have different effect on adults. Acute Hepatitis B occurs for short time. People usually affected by acute virus, get well with the time. On the other hand, there is Chronic Hepatitis B, which causes long time infection and damages liver. This virus spreads through the blood and body fluids of an infected person. Possible ways through which Hepatitis B infection is caused †¢ Unprotected sex with an infected person †¢ Sharing of needles with an infected person †¢ Getting tattoos or piercings via unsterilized needles or tools †¢ Sharing personal belongings like toothbrush, razors, towels with the infected person. Hepatitis B is also an STD (Sexually transmitted disease). A mother can also pass this virus to her baby. However, hugging, kissing, sharing food does not lead toShow MoreRelatedAn Evaluation of an on-Farm Food Safety Program for Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Producers; a Global Blueprint for Fruit and Vegetable Producers51659 Words   |  207 Pagesstudent group that there is an increased need for competent graduates with food safety specialties to enter the work force into industry or regulatory positions. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Interpersonal & E communications

Question: Write about theInterpersonal E communications. Answer: Introduction Business communication includes all types of communication that exists within an organisation and between the organisation and all its stakeholders(Newman, 2014). In the recent years there have been many changes in information and telecommunication technology (ICT) which have affected and changed business communication(Golbeck, 2015). Social media is a tool of ICT which provides a platform for people to interact and generate content (Aral, et al., 2013). Social media has allowed a new method of marketing communication for organisations where they can interact more frequently and freely with the customer (Funk, 2014). Therefore, it is important to assess the impact of social media on business communication. Samsung Electronics has been chosen as a case to understand importance of social media for business. The Impact of Social Media on Contemporary Business Communication In the last 20 years modern business has become highly competitive. Customers have become more educated, brand conscious and quality conscious(Butler, 2012). In the late 21st century globalization has become very rampant due to liberalization of many economies(Butler, 2012). This has led to a mixed customer base for the organisations. This poses a challenge for the marketing communication channels used for convincing the customer(Dahlen, 2014). Telecommunication revolution has added to this challenge as now the customers have become more aware of products due to exposure to internet. Consumer can find out about the success and failures of a product sitting thousands of miles away with the click of a finger. Additionally, competition is rising due to a rising demand from growing needs, wants and aspiration of the global customer(Lambin, 2013). Therefore, to remain ahead of the competition, organisations need a connective medium with the customer to create brand loyalty and brand recognition for their products(Rasmussen, 2012). Hence, it is beneficial for organisations to use telecommunication technology to convert these challenges into business opportunities. Samsung electronics is one of the largest electronics and mobile handset manufacturing company globally(Michell, 2011), Customers of the firm are very aware of product quality and technology. Additionally, to stay ahead of its main rival Apple, the firm has to use various communication techniques(Michell, 2011). Social media offers a mass reach, low cost method to Samsung to market new products and create buzz about them. ICT has brought many changes in business communication(Morabito, 2012). Inter organizational communication and intra organizational communication has become faster. Due to electronic tools like e-mails, digital messaging services and video calling it has become easier to communicate with employees and customers(Uhl Gollenia, 2014). For example, a manager at Samsung can now communicate with his team vie email and video conferencing even if he is sitting a long distance away. Modern business has become faster due to changes communication technology. Changes in business communication allow business to maintain relationship with stakeholders like customers, suppliers and financers, without face to face meetings. This has become possible through social media, emails and video conferencing.(Pham Pham, 2014) Digital technology has reduced delays in conduct of business and enhanced greeter opportunities for business transactions(Uhl Gollenia, 2014). Therefore, changes in technology have led to faster business and reduction of delay time. Social media is a platform created via ICT and interactive features of web 2.0 which enables users to exchange views, ideas and content over the internet (Harris, 2014). This has greatly helped business organisations to generate content about their products on social media and create buzz about them. For example, Samsung launched its latest mobile phone S8 recently(Samsung, 2017). However, the product had created considerable buzz among customers before its launch because of aggressive social media marketing by Samsung(Samsung, 2017). The firm actively promoted the product on its social handle and encouraged customers to post queries and expectations from the new product. Social media is becoming very popular as a business communication tool. Chief social media platforms are blogs, forms and social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube (Golbeck, 2015). On these platforms, businesses can post content about their products and encourage reviews and feedback. The platforms allow business organisations to create buzz about the product, generate feedback and interact with customers. For example, Samsung has a social media handle on Twitter where customers can write their view and discuss the product quality and performance. Social media is becoming very important for business communication (Funk, 2014). Business can conduct many activities like promoting, branding and relationship management through communication via social media(Funk, 2014). Social media has increased the pace of business communication. If a business uses traditional communication methods for announcing new features in a product, change in pricing or a new product launch; it would need expensive communication methods like advertising, publicity, press release etc. Additionally, the traditional medium would take time to spread the messages around(Yeshin, 2012). On the other hand, though social media, communication of this type of business activities can be spread very fast(Morabito, 2012). Additionally, social media platforms are inexpensive methods. These platforms have very less cost due to free platforms like Facebook and Twitted(Lambin, 2013). Additionally, as the younger generation is very internet savvy, social media also has a very big reach which goes beyond geographical boundaries(Golbeck, 2015). Therefore, changes in modern technology have allowed businesses to use faster and cost effective modes of business communication. Samsung has to spend millions of Dollars on advertising and promotion of newly launched mobile phones each year(Michell, 2011). It also has to do massive publicity and public relations activities to generate peoples interest in the new products. However, through social media this can be done very cost effectively(Rasmussen, 2012). Especially prelaunch buzz and interest generation is very effective via social media. Social media directly involves customers in the prelaunch activities and allows firms to generate interest by talking about the product specifications(Funk, 2014). Customer queries and doubts are also solved via the social media network and various other aspects of the product can also be talked about(Golbeck, 2015). Publicity and public relations can never give this type of mass interest generation(Harris, 2014). Additionally, through social media the firm can judge interest level, attention level and retention level of the product through customer interaction. More and more people are today using social media and other web technologies due to their easy access and mass reach(Newman, 2014). Firms can use sites like YouTube and Instagram to post videos and photos of their products in order to communicate the product to the customers. Customers can also see demonstration videos of the product via these social media sites. Samsung uses these sites to demonstrate its products(Samsung, 2017). For example, one can find reviews of newly launched S8 mobile phone on YouTube. Customers can also find comparison of S8 with pervious products like S7 and comparison with competitor products like Apple IPhone 7. Therefore, social media provides a very potent tool to organisations to market their products and communicate them to the customers. Social media also helps in improved visibility of the firm. This helps in improvement of brand equity (Funk, 2014). As consumers can have a direct connect with the firm via social media, the brand loyalty also increases. For example, Samsung Electronics has been able to make its new S8 product visible globally via social media marketing(Samsung, 2017). This otherwise would have taken many weeks of active publicity and advertising. Therefore, business communication has become faster, easier and more interactive due to social media. However, every story has a hind side. Social media has revolutionised business communication. However, there are certain disadvantages which come along with the usage of social media as a tool of business communication(Harris, 2014). Social media gives speed to business. Therefore, any negative viewpoint can lead to negative publicity which can travel very fast. Social media can cause downfall of a brand or a product in a few hours due to negative reviews and remarks. A product failure used to go unnoticed in older day but now people post about it on social media which leads to mass awareness of the failure. This can have a cumulative effect and lead to immense losses in sales and profit (Singh, 2016). Therefore, firms need to be aware about their brand image and take corrective actions immediately if any negative publicity is taking place. Samsung recently faced such negative publicity with the failure of its Note 7 mobile handset. The product had certain battery issues which might have gone unnoticed in the olden days. But with social media the news about the faulty product spread like wild fire and the firm had to withdraw the product from the market. Samsung also had to tender a public apology(Shaw, 2017). Therefore, social media is a very potent business communication tool and can help in building a positive brand image and customer relationship. However, a firm needs to be careful about negative publicity and has to take care of customer reviews and publicity on social media platforms. Conclusion The face of business communication has changed with the advent of new age technologies like social media. Firms can indulge in faster and cheaper communication with the customer. Additionally, social media allows for a platform to create mass brand appeal for the product. Also, customer engagement and product visibility can be improved with the help of social media. However, the firm needs to take care of faulty publicity and needs to take corrective action if such negative publicity is taking place. References Aral, S., Dellarocas, C. Godes, D., (2013) Introduction to the Special IssueSocial Media and Business Transformation: A Framework for Research I. nformation Systems Research, 24(1), pp. 3-13. Butler, D., (2012) Business Development: A Guide to Small Business Strategy. New York: Routledge. Dahlen, M., (2014) Marketing Communications: A Brand Narrative Approach. Melbourne: John Wiley Sons. Funk, T., (2014) Advanced Social Media Marketing: How to Lead, Launch, and Manage a Successful Social Media Program. New York: Apress. Golbeck, J., (2015) Introduction to Social Media Investigation: A Hands-on A. Amsterdam: Syngress. Harris, L. m., (2014) Social Media Communication: Concepts, Practices, Data, Law and Ethics. New York: Routledge. Lambin, J.-J., (2013) Changing Market Relationships in the Internet Age. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain. Michell, A., (2011) Samsung Electronics and the Struggle for Leadership of the Electronics Industry. Melbourne: John Wiley Sons. Morabito, V., (2012) Business Technology Organization: Managing Digital Information Technology for Value Creation - The SIGMA Approach. New York: Springer Science Business Media. Newman, A., (2014) Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online. New York: Cengage Learning. Pham, T. Pham, D. K., (2014) From Business Strategy to Information Technology Roadmap: A Practical Guide for Executives and Board Members. Boca Raton: CRC prress. Rasmussen, R., (2012) Investigating Business Communication and Technologies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Samsung, (2017) Products. [Online] Available at: Shaw, V., (2017) Samsungs Note 7 apology was full, humble, and nerdy. [Online] Available at: Singh, A., (2016) Managing Public Relations and Brand Image through Social Media. Hershey: s.n. Uhl, A. Gollenia, L., (2014) Digital Enterprise Transformation: A Business-Driven Approach to Leveraging Innovative ITUhl. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Yeshin, T., (2012) Integrated Marketing Communications. New York: Routledge.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Effect of Incorporation of Carrot Powder in Wheat Flour free essay sample

Effect of Incorporation of Carrot Powder in Wheat Flour for the Preparation of Stick Noodles Kripa Shakya1 and Anup Halwai2 1. College of Applied Food and Dairy Technology,Kathamndu, Nepal 2. Department of Food Technology and Quality Control, Kathamndu, Nepal [emailprotected] com Abstract Noodles were prepared by incorporating carrot powder in the percentage of 5, 10, 15 and 20 in wheat flour. The main objective of the work was to prepare the nutritious noodle enriched with Vitamin A. Sensory evaluation of the carrot powder incorporated stick noodles revealed that the product prepared with 5% carrot powder and 95% wheat flour was found to be most acceptable. The chemical analysis of the most acceptable product were found out to be 10. 8% moisture, 0. 6% fat, 10. 3 % crude protein, 0. 7% crude fiber,1. 7% total ash, 0. 1% acid insoluble ash, 75. 8% carbohydrate and 12166 I. U. Vitamin A content. Keywords: Noodle, wheat flour, carrot powder, Vitamin A 1. Introduction: Noodles are among the oldest forms of the processed foods consumed in Asia and other parts of the world (Hou, 2001). We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of Incorporation of Carrot Powder in Wheat Flour or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Noodles can be prepared from wheat flour alone and/or in combination with other ingredients such as rice flour, buckwheat and mung bean.. In the noodle preparation, a crumbly dough is formed which is then passed through a series of rolls to form a sheet. The sheet is then slit to produce noodles (Hou, 2001). Carrot (Daucus carota) is a root vegetable, usually orange or red- white blend in color with crisp texture when fresh. Carrot gets its characteristic and bright orange color from ? carotene, which is metabolized into vitamin A in human when bile salts are present in the intestines. Carrots are also rich in dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Carrot can also promote colon health as it is rich in fiber. Vitamin A deficiency remains widespread in many countries in South Asia and contributes to a significant proportion of preventable blindness (Bloem, 1997). Vitamin A supplementation can reduce the risk of blindness in case of the children (Hennig et al. 1991). In Nepal, two types of noodles are consumed. They are stick (sinke) noodle and instant noodle. In case of instant noodle, different ingredients and nutrients has been added to improve the nutrient content and to increase the consumer appeal such as iron, calcium and vitamin A and different flavors like spinach, chicken and vegetables. But, to the best of my knowledge, in case of noodles, no such studies have been conducted. The main objective of this research is to prepare the noodle enriched with Vitamin A and to analyze its chemical composition of the product. 2. Materials and methods: The raw materials used for the noodle making for wheat flour, carrot powder and salt. Five samples of stick noodles were prepared and labeled A (0% carrot powder and 100% wheat flour), B (5% carrot powder and 95% wheat flour), C (10% carrot powder and 90% wheat flour), D (15% carrot powder and 85% wheat flour) and E (20% carrot powder and 80% wheat flour). Wheat flour was cleaned by passing through a fine sieve screen. Fresh carrots were washed with potable water, sliced, dried at 100Â ±2 ? C for 6 hours. The dried carrots were then powdered in the grinder. Salt was bought from the local market. The method involved cleaning of raw materials, sieving, mixing, of water, kneading, sheeting, cutting, drying and packaging. The raw materials were weighed and mixed manually. 1% of salt was added to the mixture. The required amount of water (33%) was added to the flour. The mixture was kneaded manually to form dough and then left for 30 minutes. The dough was passed through rollers to obtain a sheet. Then it was passed through the cutter to cut into strips. The noodles were dried at a low humidity room for 3 days and then sun drying was done for 1 hour. The products were packed in a plastic bag to protect from the moisture absorption and also to extend its shelf-life. Sensory evaluation of the five noodles samples were performed. Ten panelists were asked to score for the quality attributes viz. , color, flavor, texture and taste in order of their preference according the 9-point Hedonic rating test described by Ranganna (1994). Chemical analyses were performed for the best sample from the sensory evaluation The moisture content and ash content were determined as per AOAC method (1995)Fat rude fiber content and protein content were determined as per Ranganna, 1994. Vitamin content was determined by HPLC as prescribed by Pharmacopeia, 1985. The product was also tested for physical properties such as length, color, edge and thickness. The cooking quality of the product was also determined in terms of cooking time, water absorption capacity, volume expansion and cooking loss as per Poudyal, 1988. 3. Results and Discussions The moisture content of the wheat flour was determined as 12. 2% and its gluten content was determined as 10%. To make noodles, the wheat flour containing 10-12% gluten is suitable. The quality of the wheat flour to make noodles depend on the gluten. If the gluten content is low, there is chance of breakage of noodles. Similarly, the moisture content of the carrot powder was determined as 9. 5%. Sample A with 5% carrot powder had the highest score in terms of quality attributes although the quality attributes among other products except product D (with 20% carrot powder) were not significantly different. (p=0. 05) In case of stick noodle, according to Nepal Standard, the moisture content must not exceed 12. 5%. The moisture content of both type of noodle is less than 12. 5% and there is no big difference between the moisture content of the two products. The protein content of stick noodle must not be less than 8% on dry basis. The protein content of plain noodle was found to be 10. 2% and that of carrot noodle was found to be 10. 3%. There was not much difference in the protein content because the protein content in carrot is very low. Fat is an energy giving constituent. Fat content of the plain noodle was found to be 0. 6% and that of carrot noodle was found to be 0. 6%. The fiber content of the plain noodle was found to be 0. 35% and that of carrot noodle was found to be 0. 7%. The fiber content in high in carrot.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Greek vs Roman Philsophy on physical education Research Paper Example

Greek vs Roman Philsophy on physical education Paper Roman and Greek philosophies influenced modern physical education in deference ways. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the different philosophies or beliefs the Greek and Roman cultures had. They each had different beliefs but they also shared some similarities. The Greeks established much of the Westerns world belief about physical education. There were two metaphysical systems In Greece: Naturalistic and Anta- naturalistic. Naturalistic means a mans nature Is both spiritual and physical. Anta- naturalistic means mans nature created by mind. Both views believed In an Importance on mind, the difference In beliefs was the body. W Sparta and Athens were each a part of Greece and they each had different philosophies on physical education. Sparta believed highly In physical education. Therefore they were physically fit and great soldiers. Sparta was the military center and power of Greece. Athens was the center of culture and learning. Athens believe physical education had a prominent place in education. Romans were polytheistic like the Greeks. Most of their gods were the same as Greeks but with Roman names. Romans were great engineers although they did not do as much scientifically as Greeks did. Romans philosophy on physical education was similar to Sparta. They believed in being physically fit and strong soldiers. Philosophers of the Roman Empire provided code of conduct, critical to the development of citizens and the survival of the Republic. The early republic of Rome stayed physically fit but did not believe in the Greek way of competition. We will write a custom essay sample on Greek vs Roman Philsophy on physical education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Greek vs Roman Philsophy on physical education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Greek vs Roman Philsophy on physical education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Over time this began to change and Romans became less interested in being physically fit. They became a Republic of spectators. The games did not translate to physical education as they did in Greece. Greece and Rome both had an impact on physical education. There philosophies were a lot alike at first but, over time Romeos philosophy began to change. In my opinion the Roman change was not good. I think Sparta had the best philosophy compared to Athens and Rome. My philosophy on physical education has been Influenced by both Rome and Greece. Greek vs. Roman Philosophy on physical education By Samaritan Roman and Greek philosophies influenced modern physical education in difference education. There were two metaphysical systems in Greece: Naturalistic and Anti- naturalistic. Naturalistic means a mans nature is both spiritual and physical. Anti- naturalistic means mans nature created by mind. Both views believed in an importance on mind, the difference in beliefs was the body. W philosophies on physical education. Sparta believed highly in physical education. Influenced by both Rome and Greece.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Viewing Violence

In recent years, the news has seemed to mimic violence that appears in television and in movies. Several incidents support the majority of people’s assumption that TV violence effects a child’s behavior in many ways. A child’s judgment is hurt badly by viewing TV violence, which can have some serious long-term effects. First of all, when children see characters on TV or in movies triumph by using physical force, they begin to see violence as an acceptable way of resolving conflicts. As a result, children use physical or verbal abuse toward others on the playground or at school. Some parents often worry that their children will not fit in with their friends if they do not watch popular children’s television programs. The same 20-year research tell us that children who watch more violent television are actually rated more poorly by their peers. Also, according to Dr. Jeanne Beckman, children who spend more time watching violent TV programming are rated more poorly by their teachers, their peers, have few problem-solving skills, and are more likely to get into trouble with the law as teenagers and young adults. Take for instance the young boy who opened fire at his school in Pearl, Mississippi. The movie the Basketball Diaries had the most effect on this boy. Children who view too much media violence may have more difficulty getting along with others. If children do not see acts of kindness between other children and adults, they are less likely to be kind, or resolve their conflicts peacefully. This makes other children less eager to play with them. Along with verbal abuse, violent TV programs do not teach good language skills. Young children tend to repeat things they hear as they begin to develop their own vocabularies. Violent movies and TV programs show children a very limited way to talk about their problems and to solve them. Children are visual learners and television is more visual, more salient,... Free Essays on Viewing Violence Free Essays on Viewing Violence In recent years, the news has seemed to mimic violence that appears in television and in movies. Several incidents support the majority of people’s assumption that TV violence effects a child’s behavior in many ways. A child’s judgment is hurt badly by viewing TV violence, which can have some serious long-term effects. First of all, when children see characters on TV or in movies triumph by using physical force, they begin to see violence as an acceptable way of resolving conflicts. As a result, children use physical or verbal abuse toward others on the playground or at school. Some parents often worry that their children will not fit in with their friends if they do not watch popular children’s television programs. The same 20-year research tell us that children who watch more violent television are actually rated more poorly by their peers. Also, according to Dr. Jeanne Beckman, children who spend more time watching violent TV programming are rated more poorly by their teachers, their peers, have few problem-solving skills, and are more likely to get into trouble with the law as teenagers and young adults. Take for instance the young boy who opened fire at his school in Pearl, Mississippi. The movie the Basketball Diaries had the most effect on this boy. Children who view too much media violence may have more difficulty getting along with others. If children do not see acts of kindness between other children and adults, they are less likely to be kind, or resolve their conflicts peacefully. This makes other children less eager to play with them. Along with verbal abuse, violent TV programs do not teach good language skills. Young children tend to repeat things they hear as they begin to develop their own vocabularies. Violent movies and TV programs show children a very limited way to talk about their problems and to solve them. Children are visual learners and television is more visual, more salient,...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Altius VA Ltd assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Altius VA Ltd - Assignment Example These tasks should be delegated to well-trained people who are fully aware of the long and short term objectives of the company. Training staff as well as delegating marketing duties in tandem with the laid down strategies enables working towards achieving them. Therefore, a marketing strategy is aimed at ensuring that a company is able to concentrate its resources towards the very important aspects of its core functioning; thus, minimizing wastage (Blythe 2006). Resources are always scarce; hence the need utilize them in a manner that ensures they are preserved for future use. A company must also ensure that the cost of production is kept at a minimum; while at the same time ensuring that it is making profits. Therefore, this paper will look at the marketing strategies that Altius VA Ltd need to better their business. Discussion The Altius Brand Strategic Analysis and Vision for the Compliance Software Altius VA Ltd is a vendor assessment company that keeps tabs of products from the said vendors and ensures that they meet the required standards as dictated by the different clients. This is attributed to the fact that it is always imperative for anything sold in the market to consumers to meet the laid down regulations and standards. As they have clearly stated in their website, â€Å"they believe that both clients and vendors have the right to expect a robust, fair and consistent assessment service, backed up by great customer support† (Altius 2013). They have taken the responsibility of ensuring that both the stakeholders get fair treatment as well as what they deserve out of any transaction or undertaking within the market setting. Without a brand name, Altius VA Ltd has made great strides in ensuring that their compliance software referred to as Supplier Assessment and Management System (SAMS) by their customers is well marketed in their website From their websites, they have shown and advertised to the vendors why they should be part of the Altius V A Ltd family. The benefits listed include: saving time and resources such as money, reducing duplication, aiming higher, among others (Altius 2013). These are straight to the point objectives that Altius endeavours to provide to their member vendors at all times and cost. The advantage of these to the vendors is that it helps in reducing the cost they would have incurred in performing the stated functions for themselves. By evaluating and analyzing the above advertisements on the Altius VA Ltd website, they have gone a long way in ensuring that the targeted stakeholders join them when fully aware of what they are, or could be drawing themselves into (Kelley & Jugenheimer 2009). Therefore, the vendors have an opportunity to make a decision for themselves to either be part of Altius VA Ltd or not. Altius VA Ltd services Altius VA Ltd has provided in their website what they do and how they are capable of helping both the vendors and clients. The vendors are assessed while the clients g et consultation services. This is a well-developed plan that attracts stakeholders as it indicates the need to join, and the efficiency that comes with receiving the services of Altius VA Ltd. SWOT analysis, for example, brings out how an organization can get to use the analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats